the guy that made the website, loves rhythm games and the roblox game isle btw (he really really does)
HOW DID Y- Ok nah, I'm going to your house. - Average BLADEINSTRUCTOR vs MIKATAI KAMEDOSHI in a fighting game
You dont deserve eyes..Im plucking them OUT! - BLADEINSTRUCTOR
GRAHHHHHHHHH - Most friendly greeting
Mikatai Kamedoshi (malachi)
master when it comes to video games (i was forced to right this)
Ok time to go serious mode..-MIKATAI KAMEDOSHI
BLADEINSTRUCTOR: Bro you good? MIKATAI KAMDEOSHI: *Currently locked in for good* - Average 1v1 In Project Submus Accudo.
BRO LEAVE ME ALONE!!! - Average tag game